Sunday, January 09, 2005

Late night blogging because there will be no time tomorrow ....

I've been laid up in bed for the better part of the week with a bout of bronchitis, a sort of New Year's welcome for lack of sleep and chilly weather. During that time though, I've had the opportunity to get through a few books. One I would heartily recommend is Janet Malcolm's "The Journalist and the Murderer." Anyone interested in the ethical dilemmma that journalism presents would find this book a provoking read.

I've also been reading, but have yet to finish, Robert Caro's book "The Power Broker" about what Robert Moses did to make New York City what it is today. And I also raced through "Where the Money Is," a true crime memoir by a former bank robbery expert with the FBI. This kind of stuff isn't usually my cup of tea, but I have enjoyed watching how the book was crafted by the crime journalist who coauthored the book.

That's it for now.

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